Are you looking for a way to make the most of your professional development budget? Do you want to get more value for your money? Look no further than our new once-off individual subscription option, the IESPG PASS! The IESPG Pass - our newest endeavor to develop your professional and leadership skills - is a subscription to a series of professional development courses which will help you to build your own pedagogical capacity and know-how at school.
Right now, we are building our IES Annual Professional Growth [PG] Master Plan, which will consist of 10 monthly Virtual workshops from Sept to Jun, from 8:00-11:00 am Saturday (G+8 Time Zone) and 4 In-Person weekend workshops in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing or Hong Kong. With this affordable and flexible option, you'll have access to all the exciting virtual development opportunities that everyone is buzzing about.
Through the IESPG Pass, educators can access a full year of professional learning opportunities. This single subscription grants access to a choice of one in-person workshop, as well as two virtual workshops in one year. These workshops cover a variety of topics including assessment, curriculum design, classroom management, change management, and leadership, all of which are facilitated by expert educators and thought leaders in the field. One pass gives you the full package.
Click the button below to sign up for the best learning experience possible.